Rafael Alvarez


The Race

The eternal struggle takes time.—Professor Fate, The Great Race Minnie searched for someone to flag the race—motorcycle versus horse and wagon; logic against hope as

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A Letter from the Sea of Love

A Letter from the Sea of LoveAugust 16, 1977 Basilio BoullosaOrdinary SeamanS.S. Overseas Alice Tookie Took— Hey Crazy Motherfucker. Greetings from the poop deck! The sun

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You Are Not Alone

. . . The first time she stopped here on the way home from the new mall, Donna picked up her package of ground chuck and wound up wandering the aisles as, one after another, the Indigo Girls, Moby, the two Franks, Sinatra and Ocean, Steve Earle, the Cranberries, Gene Pitney and India.Arie poured out of the overhead speakers. When Dave Brubeck’s “Take Five” followed her out to the parking lot, she knew she was hooked.

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How to Go Off the Wagon

. . . I thought of escape. I would get to my feet and say how wonderful it had been, but I must run, I had forgotten time, I was late for my evening appointment. Toby would cover for me. But I stayed on, my frozen smile hurting my face. I could see that it was no strain for Toby. Toby was enjoying it and he was oblivious to my discomfort.

Sometimes I have behaved badly when I have been trapped like this. I have failed to conceal my boredom and I have gone into a sulk that could not be overlooked by anyone. I told myself that this time I would at least fake things to the best of my ability. I massaged my face to limber up my smile. I murmured appreciations. I even compelled myself to make a little speech.

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