Inside The Sound of Rain Poetry Chapbook


In David Lee Garrison’s poems, the ordinary is stated with a zany pause and a fantastic glint. He is a master of plain unlikeliness, which we hear through his artistic candor.
—Willis Barnstone, Indiana University

In compact, deftly written poems David Lee Garrison manages a variety of voices: humorous, down home, wildly surreal, and compassionate. The family poems, in particular, show a gift for creating character and mood, and they linger in memory. Inside the Sound of Rain deserves an appreciative audience.
—Colette Inez, Columbia University

I just loved these poems—aptly worked vignettes peopled with sparkling capsule characterizations.
—Deborah Gilbert, Cleveland State

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Inside the Sound of Rain


Sleep by Laura Lehner
Architectural Abstract #9 by Todd A. Fry
The Last Day of July by Lyn Lifshin
Desert Flower by Gary Pacernick
Cassandra by Kate Harkins
Girl from Selma on the Hot Line by William J. Vernon
Like So Much This Summer by Lyn Lifshin
Untitled by Todd A. Fry
Autumn by Michelle Whitley Turner
Earth Smells of Brown Leaves Going Cold by Lyn Lifshin
The Last Days of William Short by Herbert Woodward Martin
To Michael by Carolyn S. Kawecka
Empty Houses: Ellerton by Rebecca J. Edgerton
The Life of King Ludwig II by Bob Moore
Untitled by Colleen Holloran
Home by Gary Pacernick
last minute by Jonathan Levant
The First Cold Front, Near Christmas by William J. Vernon
Wails by Michelle Whitley Turner
Overcast at the Cat Dance Café by Kim Carey
Dayton Poem by Kate Harkins
The Last Visit with My Father by Gary Pacernick

Illustrations by David Leach
ISBN: 0–9660866–0–0. All rights reserved. ©1997.

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