One Story Leads to Another . . .


TVBR’s Issue #25, Themed “Ghosts,” is Now Under Production

The Vincent Brothers Review staff is at the second-round galley stage of the print version of our Issue #25, themed “Ghosts.” We’ll send out first-round galleys for our online version of Issue #25 soon. Issue #25 will feature fiction by Douglas Krohn (“Down to Pain, Down to Bleeding”), Stephen Loiaconi (“Miraculous”) Peggi McCarthy (“Here’s Rue for You”), Katie Sakanai (“Four Witches”), Chloe Chun Seim (“Rend, Sew”), and Vince Moravek (“Wind Knife’s Run”); nonfiction by Reeya Banerjee (“4 Strings and the Truth”), Jennifer Brown (“Revised Heirloom: This Ring’s Truth”), Betty J. Cotter (“The Red Notebook”)—[follow Betty on Instagram @betto60; Twitter @bjcotter60; and Facebook @AuthorBettyJCotter], Cathryn Essinger (“Speaking for the Dead: Review of The Resurrectionist’s Diary by Myrna Stone”), Erin Pedigo (“A Pinch of Herbs: Parsley”), André Le Mont Wilson (“Platform”)—[follow André on Instagram @awilsonstoryteller; Twitter @awilsonwriter; and Facebook @andrewilsonstoryteller], and Nicole M. Wolverton (“The Stories We Tell Ourselves”); and poetry by Sara Backer (“Papa Tango Sierra Delta,” “Ghost Therapy,” “Francis Ponge Waits With Me While My Car Is Inspected,” and “Roasted Dandelion Spice Detox”), Les Bares (“Home Delivery” and “Visitation”), Charlene Fix (“Notes on the Last Bear in Columbus,” “Mother Leaves the Bardo,” and “Rag Man’s Sons”), M.A. Istvan, Jr., (“Ghost”), Namrata Kasaraneni (“Halloween 2013” and “Inviting Her Into the Room”), Marianne Mersereau (“Storytellers,” “Saipan’s Suicide Cliff,” “Jesus Walks Through the Window,” and “Civil War Relics”), Pete Mackey (“The Ghost Girl,” “Sleep,” and “Certain Pleasures”), Gary Metras (“Ghost Mountain”), Kathryn Paulsen (“To His Ghost,” “Looking for Lincoln,” and “Ghosts”), Tony Reevy (“Looking for the Brown Mountain Lights,” “Jamestown Ruins,” “World War I Monument,” “In the Haunted Garden,” and “Submarine, Inner Harbor, Baltimore”), Ed Ruzicka (“Beside the Firepit,” “May Seventeenth, Psalm,” “Birth of a Ghost Rider,” and “The Window”), and Brendan Yukins (“Chicago Apartment, 1895”). Covers and interior collages are by Jes Earhart, with other inside illustrations by Jake Alvarez, Atik Sugawara, and Jennifer Conn. Issue #25 is expected back from press in late May 2023.

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