The Vincent Brothers Review’s submissions portal for our Issue #28—themed “Portals”—is now open here. TVBR is a paying market, and we typically pay $25 per poem, and $125 per short story/nonfiction piece UPON PUBLICATION. Our modest submission fees are used to cover payment to writers and staff, as well as the production and printing costs of both our on-line and hard-copy issues. All rights revert to authors upon publication.
All submissions will be considered for an upcoming on-line issue of TVBR, as well. No maximum word limit is set, though we tend to select stories in 4,000 to 6,000 word range. The submission process is through electronic submission only. The deadline for Issue #28 has been extended to December 31, 2022.
The Vincent Brothers Review editors also eagerly seek submissions of Time Capsules and Haibun for our online and hard-copy issues, as well as our newsletter. The submissions are accepted year round and the reading fee is $3.00 per submission. Writers can include up to 3 Time Capsules, 3 haibun, or a mix of both per each submission. See our Submittable page for more information.
TVBR editors will also seek submissions of poetry, nonfiction, and short fiction pieces based on the theme of “Work” for our Issue #29. The submissions portal for that issue will open sometime in January 2023. The deadline for “Work”-themed materials will be May 31, 2023.
We also plan to sponsor a haibun contest in 2022 centered around the images/ideas of full moon cycles and women’s empowerment. Stay tuned here and on our site for details.
More details and the submissions portal will link here.