EST. 1988

We are a Literary Magazine.

TVBR’s mission is to promote appreciation for the literary arts of poetry, short fiction, creative nonfiction, illustrative art, and photography. Our editors aim to broaden the audience for contemporary creative writing and visual graphic design via the publication of four electronic issues and two hard-copy print issues per year.

We’re Getting the Band Back Together

About The Vincent Brothers Review

Created in July 1988 by five editors/writers/artists bridging the transition from traditional Linotype-cut-and-paste to desktop publishing, TVBR’s first issue was released in December 1988. In the seventeen years that followed, TVBR steadily grew from that first 32-page, all-poetry, saddle-stitched regional litmag to a 172-page, perfect-bound journal reviewed internationally. We also produced and distributed two poetry chapbooks: Inside the Sound of Rain (1997) by David Lee Garrison and Lose Them If You Can (2004) by Deanna Pickard.

TVBR is a nonprofit, independent magazine and is not affiliated with a college, university, church, or other institution. TVBR is produced and distributed by Vincent Brothers Publishing.

TVBR has been listed in Poet’s Market, Novel & Short Story Writer’s Market, and The International Directory of Literary Magazines and Small Presses, among other fine literary directories. TVBR ranked #9 in “The 2001 Writer’s Digest Fiction 50,” and won a Special Merit Award in the “1996 American Literary Magazine Awards,” co-sponsored by Poet Magazine and Cooper House Publishing, Inc. Select pieces from past TVBR issues were nominated for The Pushcart Prize, The Best American Short Stories, and The O. Henry Awards annually, and we will continue to nominate selections from our future issues for those presitigous prizes. TVBR endorses and promotes public support of the arts.

In our past life, TVBR was funded by grants from the Montgomery County Arts and Cultural District, and the Ohio Arts Council. Other funds came from donations, benefit parties, and bookstore, bookfair, sample copy, and subscription sales to cover the production, printing, and distribution costs, as well as writers’ pay for our twenty-three print issues and two chapbooks. We will seek grant monies as soon as we’ve published the required two PRINT issues, and we seek crowdsourcing fundraising via our DONATION button. TVBR is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. TVBR staff maintained a large subscription base, including university and public libraries, and had readers in Luxembourg, Russia, Germany, England, Poland, México, and Australia. TVBR staff is working to make sure all of our past subscriptions have been fulfilled before we set new subscription rates. If you have a question about your subscription or are missing copies, contact Editor Kimberly Willardson here.

Our staff reviewed hundreds of manuscript submissions per month (tens of thousands over the years) and maintained solid, diplomatic working relationships with both established and emerging writers (academic, mainstream, and alternative). We routinely corresponded with writers from as far as Finland, Saudi Arabia, Luxembourg, and Israel. We treated all submissions to TVBR with respect, often receiving “Thank You” notes for our rejection slips. We carefully edited and proofread each and every page of each and every issue of TVBR from manuscript to bluelines. And we established long-term accounts with independent bookstores, such as Epic Book Shop in Yellow Springs, Ohio, and Books&Co in Kettering, Ohio, in addition to sponsoring high school poetry contests, poetry readings, writing workshops, Dead Poet dances, and other events benefitting literary arts.

We had fun. Now, we’ve got the band back together. We’re looking forward to building an online Writing Community, in addition to expanding our hard-copy readership. Join us for our next adventures in independent literary publishing.

Jamie McPhail’s encaustic painting of the confident woman starting a bonfire
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